Sunday, January 15, 2012

Animals in Pro Sports (Part 2)

Every professional sports team has a monicker to identify with. So I decided to do teams with animal names first because they seem to be easily identifiable.

6. Underwater Animals
San Jose Sharks
Miami Dolphins
Miami Marlins
Tampa Bay Rays
Vancouver Canucks

The Canucks' logo since 1997 has been a whale coming out of a 'C' hence its inclusion. These creatures' distinct features include gills (except for dolphins and whales), fins and tails used for swimming. Such characteristics enable them to live underwater their entire lives, hence the 'cool colors' featured in each of these logos such as teal, green and blue. 

7. Beasts of Burden
Chicago Bulls
Buffalo Bills
Buffalo Sabres
St. Louis Rams
Milwaukee Bucks
Dallas Mavericks
Denver Broncos
Houston Texans

In the case of the Mavericks and Texans, their representations of a horse and a bull, respectively, are meant to be synonymous with Texas's ranching industry. These animals, whether wild or domestic, are the only ones with hooves which aids them in either walking, running or even climbing in some species. In the case of the Rams, Bucks, Bulls, Bills, Sabres and Texans, a horn/antler signifies defense and protection against opponents, which is also an intimidation factor to say the least.

8. Reptiles
Arizona Diamondbacks
Toronto Raptors

The reptiles first evolved from fish during the Mesozoic period, most of them as gigantic creatures known as dinosaurs. They became extinct towards the end, but some smaller species remain. Their characteristics include rough scales and cold-blooded demeanor. 

9. Insects
New Orleans Hornets

The only team represented with an insect is the New Orleans Hornets. Insects have three distinct body parts: the head, thorax and abdomen. Some also have stinging mechanisms, antennae, scaly wings and compound eyes.

In our next installment, we look at teams with a patriotic theme.

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