Friday, December 30, 2011

Reflections About 2011

In 2011, it's all about making history. History, in the fact that I've closed the book on my academic life, and opened the doors to a new world of independence and freedom. This is how I summed it all up in five words.

1.  Waiting
February and June saw my friends graduate ahead of me. But before they left, they gave me common advice: "You'll be there someday, as long as you work hard, wait patiently and reach to your dreams. Don't worry, your time will come. We'll still be here for you."

2. Inspiring
On my last term, the last thing I talked to my younger friends is to 'reach out, always keep your head high, and never lose focus.' While I've only been friends with them since their arrival   one or two years ago, they've made a lasting impression in my college life, in that I'll never be always left out. The last thing I told to them is to 'keep inspiring, and keep striving to reach higher goals, because it will help you in the long run.'

3. Finishing
Thesis was the hardest part of college, but I somehow managed to finish them with heart, conviction and inspiration. Though I never envisioned myself to be a screenwriter (after all I'm more into journalism), I took that challenge and it paid off. Somehow I finished my thesis with a little help from my friends. When I finished the thesis, I felt so proud, that without all the hard work, I may have not been able to join them to the graduation march in October. Which leads me to the next word.

4. Accomplishing
In October, I graduated from college, capping off an amazing journey that began three years and several months ago. The greatest thing about it was that I graduated with the best friends in the world: my blockmates and my fellow majors friends. There were tears shed on that day, but there were plenty of laughs to share as well. Even as we moved on, our friendships will last forever.

5. Celebrating
Towards the end of 2011 I celebrated my newest feather in the cap the only way I wanted to: party. Parties were conspicuously absent during my college life, but after graduating, I decided to take advantage. I twice celebrated at Fiamma right after graduation, and before I turned 22. Those experiences capped off an amazing year of making history.

Now what is your greatest moment in 2011? Go share with me.

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