Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Significant Events of 2011

As we close out 2011, we look back at significant events and happenings that occurred in 2011.

1. Demise of Two Totalitarians and a Terrorist
2011 saw the passing of Osama bin Laden, Moammar Gaddafi and Kim Jong-il. While Kim died of natural causes, Gaddafi and bin Laden were killed by, you guessed it, gunfire. Gaddafi even had his corpse displayed in public. But let's not celebrate, folks. There's still work to do before reclaiming peace that had been tainted for a decade after the 9/11 attacks.

2. End of an Era in Egypt and Libya; South Sudan independence
As mentioned earlier, Gaddafi's demise signaled the beginning of a slow transition in Libya. But several months earlier, Egypt saw the end of the Mubarak era, as president Hosni Mubarak was deposed by a popular people's revolution rallying around the streets of Cairo. The Armed Forces of Egypt is currently in charge of the Egyptian government. In Sudan, the southern part of it broke away and gained independence on July 9. It was immediately recognized by 25 countries.

3. Tsunami in Japan
A 9.1 magnitude earthquake and tsunami hit Eastern Japan, with nearly 16,000 killed and around 4,000 missing. Nuclear power plants were also affected. Special mention: the Christchurch, New Zealand earthquake.

4. Pedring and Sendong Destruction
Typhoons Nesat and Washi, known locally as Pedring and Sendong, respectively, hit the Philippines hard in 2011. While Pedring did not make landfall in Manila, its strong winds carried by the southeast monsoon (habagat) poured heavy rains, knocking down electricity, causing floods and even penetrated the walls near Roxas Boulevard at Manila Bay as a result of a storm surge. The September storm saw 95 people killed while the damage costs around $1.2 billion. Pedring's destruction was furthered by Quiel (int. name Nalgae) several days later. In December, Sendong hit Mindanao hard as flash floods and landslides battered the Cagayan de Oro and Iligan areas. It was the hardest-hit storm in 12 years, as over 1,200 were killed while around 4,000 are still missing. 

5. Final Flight
After 30 years, the space shuttle ceases to exist. The shuttle Discovery flew for the last time from February 24-March 9, while Endeavor's last flight occurred from May 16-June 1, and Atlantis capped off the shuttle era from July 8-21. A new space module is currently under testing.

6. Giffords Survives
Rep. Gabrielle Giffords of Arizona survived a shooting attempt in Tucson. She was shot in the head but managed to recover soon. In July, she made her first appearance back in Washington's Capitol building.

7. William and Catherine
Prince William and the then-Kate Middleton (now Princess Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge) were married at Westminister Abbey on April 29. The marriage was widely aired on television, rivaling only William's father Prince Charles and the late Princess Diana's wedding thirty years before.

8. Arroyo Arrested
Former president and Pampanga congresswoman Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo was arrested on November 18 for electoral fraud. In addition, COMELEC chairman Ben Abalos, Sr. was also arrested for the similar case, while chief justice Renato Corona is being impeached for his loyalty to Arroyo.

9. Camping's Failed Prophecies
Family Radio's Harold Camping predicted the end of the world will come on May 21, as a result of mathematical and prophetical study. It failed to materialize, though, and he tried to revise his belief by declaring October 21 as the world's end, which unfortunately failed to occur. As a result, Camping gave up his role as minister of Family Radio.

10. Saying Goodbye to:
Elizabeth Taylor, 79
Amy Winehouse, 27
Steve Jobs, 56
The Oprah Winfrey Show, 25
Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries' marriage, 72 days
All My Children, 41
Andy Rooney, 92
Joe Frazier, 67
Jack LaLanne, 96
Geraldine Ferraro, 75
Betty Ford, 93
Jack Kevorkian, 83
Peter Falk, 83
Arnold Schwarzenegger and Maria Shriver's marriage, 25
AJ Perez, 19
Paquito Diaz, 73
Lito Calzado, 65

11. Joe Paterno fired
Joe Paterno was fired as Penn State's football coach after 46 years and record 409 wins, as a result of a sex scandal haunting him.

We'll have the winners of 2011 on our next post.

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