Friday, May 27, 2011

First Week of Last Term

First day got underway on Wednesday, May 25. However, it wasn't officially my first day until the following day, Thursday. I just bummed around and to a lot of people lining up for adjustment. It was a long line to the Vice Dean's office and so many minutes wasted by waiting.

Thursday was really my first day. I had just one class all day, and that class started my day. Filipino class was great, even though I had no mutual friends except for my lower-batch commarts friend and high school friend of two batches later. The rest of the day was all bum and bond, going to and from different people, as if it was a reunion.

And Friday, I had three classes, with a near two-hour lunch break in between. Mostly due to adjusting to the body clock had the professors only got loose during our first classes. Once again I hang around with people during breaks.

Having finished 100 pages of my screenplay draft I decided to submit mine to my mentor in an effort to revise the script. Hopefully I'll get it done by early August.

First week was fun, indeed. But now greater things lie ahead.

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