Tuesday, May 31, 2011

It's a Taft Life

So far, in the first week of school, I seem to have fun. Was it because I'm not concerned about the renovation and ongoing construction inside DLSU? Perhaps. Or is it because I only have four subjects and thesis remaining on my college life? Definitely so. But what I wanted to see was the sight of the frosh students experiencing their first baby steps in college. That's almost a done deal. If only I would still see them for the next three months.

That's because first term of this year will be the only time I'll see the frosh in person, most especially my old high school mates. They were what I called the 'final bridge', because I got to see them back when they were high school frosh and I was a senior. They provide the final pieces to my puzzle; an endless array that keeps on growing piece by piece. By October that puzzle is finally complete, through all the eight years of this stage of my life.

On this boulevard filled with constant student movement, pedicabs barking, and cars running, it's a typical life whenever students come in to study. By early June, when the Scholasticans begin another school year, it'll be a world as active as ever. The final moments of my college life got underway, and I just need to savor them.

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