Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Friday Spending

On November 24, a third Thursday in November, American families will once again roast their turkeys dabbed in cranberry juice, boil in clam chowder, mash some potatoes, and bake in pumpkin pies. Then they give thanks to God before they consume this dinner. It has been a part of the Thanksgiving tradition that began in colonial America, which occurs every third Thursday of November.

But on the night after, these families head on to various shopping malls and take advantage of discounted goods. This started the unofficial tradition of Black Friday, wherein traffic is at its most congested near shopping malls and parking space is minimal at best. Moreover, shopping malls receiving a lot of customers tend to make a lot of profit on this very occasion. Black Friday is considered the start of the Christmas shopping season, where families shop for gifts to give to their loved ones far away. Toys are usually the best sellers, because families tend to give children something to play to.

In the Philippines, there is also a Black Friday, though not universally recognized. Shopping malls often promote three-day weekend sales at several occasions of the year. This is made in the event of a surplus that urges malls to slash prices to as low as 50% off. Fridays are usually the peak of those three-day weekend discounts, with malls usually open until midnight.

During Super Sale Fridays, traffic volume is at its highest and parking space is limited. Department store cashiers would have to cope up with a long line of shoppers seeking to take advantage of the sale. Even though shoppers still have Saturday and Sunday to take advantage, Fridays are usually the most advantageous time during a weekend sale.

As Christmas approaches, expect a heavy volume of shoppers every Friday to take advantage of their 13th month pay and spend them for Christmas gifts to their loved ones. After all, a gift is a great way to please your loved ones.

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