Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Two Friends, One Cake and 20 Candles

Today is my friend Paola Malong's 20th birthday. Tomorrow will be the 20th birthday of another good friend of mine, Maita Piedra. It has been a thrill that I've been friends to the both of them since late in frosh year. Every time I see them I always say to myself, "Wow! Mukhang masaya na ko." And they seem to make me smile and feel comfortable with almost everything.

Maita and I have been a month removed from graduating in college, and the last time we spoke to each other was when we turned over our graduation attire and passes to the school. Yet I still felt as if we spoke to each other in spirit since then. Indeed I missed the days when we were sharing a lot of things such as school stuff and other works. I always thought Maita was a great friend, and a beautiful one at best, and to this day, even if we met occasionally, I still maintained that I found a friend who will make me feel comfortable even in pressure situations.

Paola has been my friend since late in frosh year, but I felt bad about graduating earlier than her. It was a regret that still hangs on my mind since that hot day in the PICC. Still I convinced her to finish strong and make the most of every opportunity. The reason why Paola didn't join us that October was because of her obligations as the editor-in-chief of our college yearbook for 2012. And she is also working on her thesis. Nevertheless, I feel happy for her, in that she is doing her best on both of them. All I hope for her is to be proud and work well.

To both of my friends who just blew their 20th candles, happy birthday. Hoping for more beautiful days to come.

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