Friday, August 19, 2011

No Party Till Everything's Done

One must wonder a lot of us love to party at night, mostly till the wee hours of the morning where we get drunk and spent through all the booze and the house music. Strictly speaking, this is where so much stories are told, and so much stories of the past retold. There is one exception to the rule, however.

I've rarely been a party guy in my three and a third years of college. Simply put, the strain and demands of college life really takes much of the night life away. There's nothing to relax about at this point, knowing that to survive college, you must survive hellish professors, nightly school readings, group reports, and even thesis to finish with. So I always find no time to party, except on some high school and college reunions where an invitation is the key.

An invitation, indeed. Some invitations are planned ahead of time, so I thought about it before I give it a thumbs up. And once the sun sets, it's all about the fun in the cold night. However, once the party ends, it's back to business. I mean, serious business. And now that I'm close to finishing college, I find myself looking to have a good time. And more partying for me.

So I'll be there on the waiting list. Hopefully October comes in.

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