Wednesday, August 10, 2011

What Might Have Been (Part Three)

The final stop on my 'What Might Have Been' tour heads to Espana, in UST. So I applied for that school and scheduled an entrance exam in early December 2007. The exam was easy, believe me, but the timing wasn't right. When the results came I only ended up waitlisted, then I realized that a lot of students took the entrance exam earlier than I did. Thus, to Taft Avenue I went; after receiving the letter, I was informed that I passed the DLSUCET.

Imagine what happened had I passed UST. If I chose a course related to the Liberal Arts courses, it would be much shorter and more manageable, and I might have a chance to graduate in March 2012. But UST, being a conservative university, requires students to wear a uniform depending on their course. Thus my possibility of studying in the country's oldest university was taken out of the equation, even if they celebrate their quadricentennial on my senior year.

So the road I took was within Taft Avenue, and not in Katipunan, Espana or in Diliman. Had I ended up in the latter three, it might have been much longer for me to endure my college education. However, I was about to turn 18 at the time, and most of my batchmates were around 15 or 16 years old, so the destination is to a university where I can finish a degree in a shorter period of time, and to find work at a much younger age than I expect.

To De La Salle I went, and the rest is history.

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